Welcome to the Lotus Engineering LLC home on the web!
We are a company that develops software for desktop and embedded applications.
Medical, Scientific, Gaming, Mobile
Software and firmware for communications, data analysis, control and acquisition
C, C#, C++, Python, Java, Visual Basic, HTML, Assembly
QP Embedded State Charts, Android, .Net, .Net Compact Framework for CE, XML, COM/Active X, MFC, ATL, STL, Windows Scripting, TCP/IP Sockets, Embedded Linux, Database Design and Interfacing, VxWorks
Agile, Object Oriented Design, Test Driven Development, Extreme Programming, UML, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration, Model Driven Development
Software Tools:
Eclipse (Android, AVR32 Studio, TI Code Composer), Visual Studio, IAR Embedded Workbench, AVR Studio, Keil, MPLABX, gcc, Git, Subversion, CVS, SourceSafe, ANT, Anthill, Jenkins, CruiseControl.Net, NUnit
ARM Cortex, MSP430, PIC18, PIC24, ARM7, AVR32, HC16, ATmega128
What can we do for you? Contact us by form, email, or phone at (727) 678-1438.
We are a company that develops software for desktop and embedded applications.
Medical, Scientific, Gaming, Mobile
Software and firmware for communications, data analysis, control and acquisition
C, C#, C++, Python, Java, Visual Basic, HTML, Assembly
QP Embedded State Charts, Android, .Net, .Net Compact Framework for CE, XML, COM/Active X, MFC, ATL, STL, Windows Scripting, TCP/IP Sockets, Embedded Linux, Database Design and Interfacing, VxWorks
Agile, Object Oriented Design, Test Driven Development, Extreme Programming, UML, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration, Model Driven Development
Software Tools:
Eclipse (Android, AVR32 Studio, TI Code Composer), Visual Studio, IAR Embedded Workbench, AVR Studio, Keil, MPLABX, gcc, Git, Subversion, CVS, SourceSafe, ANT, Anthill, Jenkins, CruiseControl.Net, NUnit
ARM Cortex, MSP430, PIC18, PIC24, ARM7, AVR32, HC16, ATmega128
What can we do for you? Contact us by form, email, or phone at (727) 678-1438.